3 good reasons to choose D.U.I.O
Number of places/year
% graduates
% satisfied
Source, Université de Bordeaux / Surveys and statistics - 2021
The main aim is for learners to acquire cross-disciplinary skills and knowledge, giving them a global view of the sector and the issues involved.
The objectives for certified personnel are therefore :
- specialise in the wine industry (adapt your activity to the sector)
- diversify your job and activities (help develop a cross-disciplinary activity)
- gain recognition for your skills and develop them
The targeted jobs are available in the following departments:
- commercial and technical-commercial services
- wine tourism services
- communication services for trade associations and professional unions
- commercial services for wine and spirits trading companies
- administrative services for wine companies, etc.
Any scientist or non-scientist wishing to specialise or change direction in the wine industry.
The specificity of this course lies in the fact that the certification is based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills through tasting, the possibility of doing a work placement in a company, and the fact that each graduate is required to carry out a case study in a real-life situation.
Training is given in French.
To meet the different work situations and cross-disciplinary skills needs identified by employers in the wine sector, the diploma is organised around a number of key skills:
- Master the basics of viticulture and oenology
- Learn about the history of tourism and how it relates to wine tourism today
- Acquire knowledge of the diversity of wines and wine-growing regions in relation to the notion of terroir
- Gain an understanding of the wine industry and its key players
- More specific knowledge of the wines and players in the Bordeaux region
- Acquire specific marketing and sales knowledge about wine
- Learn the basics of sensory perception
- Refine your professional objectives
The course includes lectures illustrated by visits and tastings.
The course is taught by teacher-researchers from ISVV - Université de Bordeaux or ISVV partner establishments, as well as a number of professionals.
Course timetable and pace
150 hours spread over 6 weeks of training from January to June (1 week in January, February, March, April, May and June). All courses run from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.
The course can be taken face-to-face or remotely (except for exams, visits and tastings, which must be taken face-to-face).
The option of adapting the course to your personal and professional pace, in 50-hour blocks, by following the 3 DUIO courses in the order in which they are taught., Find out more
Assessment of skills via a case study with role-playing (assessment by a panel of mixed professionals/teachers)
Assessment of knowledge via continuous assessment
The course is open to anyone with a baccalauréat.
After examination of the application files, the course is open to holders of a Baccalaureate or with proof of professional experience.
Apply at :
The number of places is limited to 20.
The ISVV's continuing education department will guide you in your dealings with funding bodies.
Depending on your status, you may be eligible for funding from :
- OPCA : Fafsea, Vivea, Opcalim
- Contractual employment measures
- Individual financing
CPF funding possible: https://www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr
- Obtaining a skill set recognized by the RNCP (RNCP29982BC04)
They put their trust in us...
Davide Basile
Wine tourism assistant at Château Marquis de Terme
Has taken the D.U.I.O
Despite the many wine-related training courses I had taken, my efforts to work in the Bordeaux wine industry had not been rewarded. So I decided to give ISVV one last try with the DUIO, and never has a decision been more appropriate! The training is very thorough, with a complete overview of oenology, viticulture and tasting. I find that this diploma works very well with any type of course (business, wine tourism, introduction to tasting). Just a few days after completing the DUIO, my dream of working for a major Bordeaux château became a reality.