The WTA - Wine Tasting Ability - certificate is a high-level university qualification validating wine tasting skills. This certificate is part of the history of the Bordeaux School of Oenology, which the ISVV has held since 2009. The teaching of wine tasting has always been highly developed as part of professional training. However, in addition to the ISVV's diploma courses, which provide students and trainees with training in tasting as a complement to technical and scientific data, it seemed important to offer professionals and enthusiasts the means to receive specific training in tasting in a relatively short space of time, and to be able to claim the results.
The WTA enables students to acquire gradual knowledge of wine tasting in a university spirit, i.e. in response to personal needs and in line with research findings and data. The ISVV's teacher-researchers are able to enrich the courses and sensory assessments with new data, and thus provide teaching in wine tasting that is unique in the world.