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- Wednesday 18 October, 2.30-5.30pm, at ISVV -

Winegrowing in the 21st century faces two major challenges: the agro-ecological transition and adaptation to climate change. Recent vintages have been hit by extreme weather conditions, favourable to the development of pathogens, and affected by a slower climate change characterised by a rise in current and future temperatures, as well as an intensification of drought periods. This change in temperature is disrupting the vegetative cycle of the grape varieties planted in the Bordeaux region, to the detriment of early-ripening varieties, and impacting on the quality of the grapes and the typicality of the wines. Against this backdrop, we need to anticipate these changes in order to find solutions that will guarantee healthy, disease-resistant vines adapted to tomorrow's climate, while preserving the finesse and character of Bordeaux wines. The choice of planting material, and in particular the grape variety, seems to be a lever for adaptation, and we may well wonder about the future of Bordeaux's emblematic grape varieties. With this in mind, a great deal of work is being done to study the behaviour of Bordeaux varieties, resistant varieties, heritage varieties and foreign varieties. But what are the best criteria for choosing tomorrow's Bordeaux grape varieties?

The aim of this meeting is to review the state of scientific knowledge currently available and to discuss the expectations, limits and strategies that are being implemented with various industry and institutional players.


Criteria for choosing grape varieties adapted to a hotter, drier climate in the Bordeaux region
  • Cornelis (Kees) van Leeuwen, HDR Professor of Viticulture, UMR EGFV, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, INRAE
Fruity expression of red wines from grape varieties potentially adapted to climate change
Comparative study with 'traditional' grape varieties planted in Bordeaux
  • Georgia Lytra, Senior Lecturer in Oenology, UMR Oenology, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, INRAE
  • Justine Garbay, PhD student, UMR Œnologie, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, INRAE
Speeches followed by a round table discussion moderated by Gilles Brianceau :
Speeches followed by a round table discussion moderated by Gilles Brianceau with the participation of :
  • Jean Baptiste Duquesne - Owner and winemaker, Château Cazebonne
  • Victoria Sichel - R&D Manager, Château Pétrus
  • Romain Warneys - Climate change and plant material researcher, Gironde Chamber of Agriculture
  • Olivier Zekri - Deputy Director, Novatech


  • Registration is free and compulsory!
  • VENUE - Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences

Register for the seminar

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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