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What does the future hold for the use of copper in viticulture?

Regulations on the use of copper, a natural antifungal agent widely used in winegrowing, have been reduced from 6 to 4 kg/ha/year. What are the implications for both organic and conventional winegrowers? What are the toxicological or ecotoxicological arguments behind this regulatory change?

And what are the credible alternatives in terms of efficacy and safety?

The 3rd edition of ISVV's 'Wine and the Environment' seminar will tackle these questions, with the support of : Didier Andrivon - Director of Agricultural Research, INRA, leader of the collective expertise on alternatives to copper and Jacques Grosman - national vine expert for the French Ministry of Agriculture - followed by a round table discussion moderated by Eric Giraud-Héraud, ISVV.

  • Patrizia Pitton, European Commission DG Health
  • Matthias Weidenauer, European Copper Task Force
  • Laurent Charlier, Bordeaux Wine Trade Council
  • Philippe Darriet, Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences
  • Stéphane Becquet, Union of Organic Winegrowers of New Aquitaine

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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