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ISVV invites you to the 5th edition of its "Wines and the Environment" seminar, organised in partnership with Inno'vin! The theme will be "Downy mildew in vines: are primary contaminations of secondary importance?

Wednesday 10 November, 2.30-5pm, Bordeaux Sciences Agro

The withdrawal of many treatment products effective against downy mildew in vines and the succession of years favourable to the repeated development of heavy epidemics are raising questions about the current limitations of strategies to combat the disease: focused on controlling contamination during the growing season, they essentially target the asexual phase of the pathogen. But what do we know about the sexual phase in winter? What role do the pathogen's storage organs play in the initiation and development of epidemics? How can we limit the production of primary inoculum that can be stored for several years in plots? Is inoculum management capable of changing the way we protect our vines?

In the light of the latest results from research programmes, we will discuss the possibility of improving risk forecasting and promoting control approaches based on prevention.


Speeches by :

  • François Delmotte, Research Director at INRAE, specialist in population genetics and plant pathology
  • Marc Raynal, IFV engineer, coordinator of the UMT SEVEN, specialist in epidemiology and precision viticulture

Debate with the audience and the participation of :

  • Carine Magot, Vineyard Manager, Vignerons de Buzet
  • Patrick Vasseur, Winegrower at Morizès and Vice-Chairman of the Gironde Chamber of Agriculture
  • Pascal Philip, Former vineyard manager at Château Clarke, Malmaison and Peyrelebade Odilon


  • Registration is free and compulsory!
  • A health pass is required to attend the seminar in person. You will be asked for it at the entrance.
  • PLACE: +33170+Gradignan/@44.7927261, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Amphi Joseph Courau (1 cours du Général De Gaulle, 33170 Gradignan)
  • It is also possible to attend the seminar remotely by registering for the live webcast.


Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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