The ISVV brings together all the research laboratories on the Bordeaux site that work on vines and wine.
The ISVV brings together people working on multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary projects in Joint Research Units (UJR) managed under joint supervision with the EPST INRAE, CNRS, Bordeaux Sciences Agro and Bordeaux INP. All are attached to one or more research departments at the Université de Bordeaux, whether in the environmental sciences (SE department ) or the humanities and social sciences (CHANGES, ECOr, DROIT and TRANSFORMATIONS SOCIALES departments).
There are also strong links with the Research Units at Bordeaux Montaigne University.
Overall, research at ISVV is organised around three major unifying and synergistic themes: environment, typicity/quality and markets.
The range of methodological approaches and techniques used by the researchers is at the cutting edge in many fields: agronomy, ecophysiology, microbiology, chemistry and biochemistry, process engineering, sensory analysis, cognitive psychology, cytology, epidemiology, ecology, molecular biology, quantitative economics, statistical studies, etc.
*UMR (Joint Research Unit)