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The main aim of the "Societal Expectations, Wines and Vineyards" (ASVV) chair is to develop communication on the research carried out into societal expectations for the wine industry and public authorities.

  • Giving scientific credibility to societal expectations through appropriate research mechanisms. The Chair proposes specific themes for social and economic analysis of the vine and wine sector (expectations of consumers, citizens and workers in the sector);
  • Developing open science mechanisms by setting up "research-business-institution seminars" and "societal forums" with citizens and local authorities.

The Chair offers a new way of co-constructing research topics and disseminating them widely to non-specialists in scientific disciplines.


Society has many expectations of the vine and wine. They range from the major challenges of changing market demand for wine to the imperatives of social and environmental responsibility in the production sector. How can we respond to the desire to preserve an ancestral cultural capital while at the same time committing to the economic imperatives of adapting to the market, while integrating the constraints of climate change and the agro-ecological transition? Taking account of the trade-offs involved in meeting society's expectations is both a scientific and a political obligation. The vine and wine industry must accept this paradigm shift, which requires the contribution of both research and civil and professional society...

The project

The "Societal Expectations, Wines and Vineyards" (ASVV) Chair is responsible for coordinating interdisciplinary research, scientific summaries and debates between all the professionals in the sector and civil society, as well as facilitating the implementation of funding to propose appropriate responses to the sector's development needs.

In order to study and scientifically objectify societal expectations, the Chair draws on the cross-disciplinary contributions of the various researchers involved (economists, sociologists, oenologists, epidemiologists, biologists and agronomists), as well as on the expertise of industry players and representatives of civil society. It is based on their constructive collaboration.

The Chair is part of the VitiREV programme, led by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and funded by the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir via the Banque des Territoires.

The Chair is also one of the initiatives of the ISVV Fund - an international ambition at the service of the industry. As such, it benefits from the patronage of Crédit Agricole Aquitaine and the expertise of its subsidiary Crédit Agricole Grands Crus Vignobles et Services.


Based on practical experiments, the Chair will seek to develop action-based research that will provide a practical response to the concerns of the wine industry. It is also based on an 'open science' system, which will aim to make the research carried out at the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV) accessible.

This co-construction is based on the desire to multiply points of view and enrich the debate, notably through partnership research seminars and publications open to the general public.

Eric Giraud-Héraud, chairholder, researcher at Bordeaux Sciences Economiques, INRAe research director.

The cultural and economic importance of the wine industry means that we need to be concerned about the ever-renewed responsibility of the production sector.
However, society's expectations are particularly difficult to analyse and measure, as they are full of contradictions and multiple trade-offs... all the more so as we need to take into account the expectations of industry professionals, public authorities and local authorities, as well as citizens, whether or not they are wine consumers.
Identifying common challenges and conflicting issues, and finding ways of finding appropriate responses? To achieve this, there is a real need to develop an 'open science' approach and a dissemination of knowledge that can sometimes be lacking in the world of research.
Always explain. Communicate often. And above all, debate. Let's hope that the debates we propose will be original, and that they will help to boost the age-old reputation of the vineyards and wines of New Aquitaine.


The ASVV Chair, a partner in research projects


The ASVV Chair has also set itself the task of providing logistical support for ISVV and BSE projects linked to VitiREV.

Here are a few examples:

METABIO meta programme projects

With the 2 research projects on the development of consumption of organic and agro-ecological products carried out by the ISVV, BSE, BSA and INRAE teams: VINOBIO and CONSOBIO.

The "Transition en Territoires de l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement" (PSDR) programme - and the AC²TION project - Development of agroforestry


European projects such as SPRINT


The PPR "Protecting and cultivating differently" – VITAE - Growing vines without pesticides: towards agroecological winegrowing socio-ecosystems


The regional VITIREV - with schemes on insurance and on resistant grape varieties for the experimental economy)

 MAIA – Research project on the relevance of "Nature-based Solutions" in agriculture


Le PEPR - SOLUBIOD – on nature-based solutions, currently under agreement


The ASVV Chair in connection with the Vendanges du Savoir


The "Vendanges du Savoir" conferences feature researchers who come to present their work and talk to the public; they give everyone the chance to hear academics present their research in the fields of agronomy, oenology and the human sciences on the world of vines and wine.

What are the Vendanges du Savoir?

Retrouvez l’ensemble des podcast et vidéos des conférences VDS depuis la première saison !

Conference archives

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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