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The WINTOUR Masters is an Erasmus Mundus-labelled Masters course coordinated by the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona, Spain) in partnership with the University of Bordeaux - ISVV, and the University of Porto (Portugal). The course specialises in innovation in the wine tourism sector.

Taught in English, this Master's programme takes advantage of 3 UNESCO World Heritage regions with a strong tourist industry and a long tradition of wine production. This course prepares future multi-skilled and qualified professionals in tourism and the wine industry who will bring added value to this growing and recognised sector.

Combining a strong professional network with high-quality theoretical and practical training (including a range of field experiences), this master's course comprises one semester at each of the consortium's universities, followed by a work placement.

More information on the official Wintour Master's website


Master Wintour 2022

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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