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Founded by the University of Bordeaux - ISVV, and the University of Geisenheim (Germany), the Franco-German Doctoral School began on January 1, 2018. In partnership with the AWRI (Australian Wine Research Institute) and the University of Adelaide, this project supports research projects focusing on the impact of climate change on the sustainability of agricultural crops such as vines, for example.

One PhD student will be selected each year by the University of Geisenheim and the University of Bordeaux to carry out a three-year cotutelle thesis under the supervision of two thesis supervisors. He or she will spend half the time of his or her thesis in Geisenheim and the other half in Bordeaux, and will receive a double doctoral diploma from both schools.
The PhD student can also choose to spend 6 months in Adelaide and 15 months in Geisenheim and Bordeaux respectively. The working language is English, but PhD students can also learn German and/or French.

In addition to scientific supervision, technical, methodological and multidisciplinary training will be provided. This will include language courses, participation in the French national PhD students' day, an annual thematic seminar in Geisenheim, and participation in international conferences to broaden their scientific and professional network.

For further information:
⦁ Bordeaux University - Noura METRI ⦁ Contacter par courriel
⦁ Geisenheim University - Uta Diringer-Fischer: ⦁ Contacter par courriel

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Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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