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*DRAAF accreditation n° 001099


Validate the skills listed in Annex II of the Order of 29/08/2016 specific to the individual certificate for the activity "professional use of plant protection products", category "decision-maker in a company not subject to approval", or category "Advice on use". (CIPP validity = 5 years)


1st Tuesday of each month
Duration and timetable: 3 hours over 1/2 day


130 euros TTC

  Public, prerequisites

Anyone who buys and/or applies plant protection products professionally in the wine industry.

Vineyard manager, crop manager, winegrower, or who advises on use (ADVICE) - Winegrowing adviser

  • Basic skills (reading, writing, arithmetic)
  • Upstream self-training on the skills needed to obtain the CIPP-DENSA-agri/viti,



nb places Number of places

  • Minimum : 6 participants
  • Maximum : 20 participants 


Reception from 8.30 a.m.

  • 9am - 10.30am = C.I.P.P. validation MCQs
  • 10.30am-12pm = reminder of the procedures to follow for the issue of the CIPP + administrative formalities

Target skills

  • Be familiar with the regulations governing the use of plant protection products
  • Identify risks to the environment and health, and know how to implement the associated preventive measures
  • Know how to reason about the use of plant protection products in viticulture, and be familiar with alternative strategies and methods aimed at reducing their use.


  • CIPP DENSA = If the score obtained is less than 15/30, the candidate will have to follow a complete initial training course.
  • CIPP CONSEIL = If the score obtained is less than 25/30, the candidate will have to follow a complete initial training course.

  • Céline Cholet : teacher-researcher at ISVV and CIPP-accredited trainer

Teaching methods

  • Access to the computerised knowledge validation QCM
  • Connection instructions - application for an individual professional certificate for plant protection products (Certiphyto) on the "" website

Validation procedures

A score sheet

Attendance is compulsory. Any absence will result in the score slip and training certificate not being issued.

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Additional information :

On the day of the course, you must bring :

  • Your identity papers
  • Your previous CIPP number (if testing for renewal)

 Head of Education

Claudia Nioi


Céline Cholet, teacher-researcher
+33 (0)5 57 57 58 53
Contact by email



Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et Vin - 210 Chemin de Leysotte
CS50008 - 33882 Villenave d'Ornon

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